Byrne, Ed

Meet the Candidate

Running For:
State House of Representatives
Political Affiliation:
(406) 871-6001


Response Legend

  • SSStrongly Supports
  • SSupports
  • OOpposes
  • SOStrongly Opposes
  • *Comment
  • Declined to respond
  • Declined to respond, Position based on citation

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Public Schools in Montana are overfunded: O
2. Public Schools in Montana are underfunded: O
3. Public Schools in Montana are adequately funded: S
4. Parental choice in education should be expanded through tax credits, education savings accounts, vouchers, and other means to allow children to attend any school of their or their parents choice: SS
5. Parents should be allowed to home school their children without additional state regulation: S
6. The teaching of "Critical Race Theory" (CRT) should be banned in Montana public schools: SS
7. Comprehensive sex education, beginning as early as kindergarten, should be allowed in public elementary schools: SO* As the Legislature enters the 10 year review period for funding it will be interesting to see how the various funding streams have effected education across the board. I.e., the ever shrinking coal severance tax; federal COVID dollars (that were supposed to be used for one time needs - not growing the districts and / or individual school); and many districts operating with fewer and fewer students.
8. Income taxes in Montana are too high: S
9. Property taxes in Montana are too high: SS
10. Corporate taxes in Montana are too high: S
11. The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows all citizens to own firearms for self-protection: SS
12. Climate Change is a problem requiring increased regulation: O
13. Environmental regulations in Montana are too stringent: S
14. Environmental regulations in Montana are NOT stringent enough: SO* The entire tax structure is out of balance and needs to be holistically reviewed at a macro level and each element drilled down at the micro level to address what truly needs to be allocated in a balanced budget. Several taxes that should be addressed include the following: 1. The State should not tax social security. 2. The State should not tax retired military pensions. 3. The 3% bed tax should be returned directly to each county and not go to the state general fund - this will afford counties with the funds and in turn would be able to reduce county property taxes to a commensurate level.
15. Montanans should not be discriminated against or treated differently because of their vaccine status: SS* In the case of "COVID shots and booster shots, by definition there has not been a vaccine. There is no vaccine for RNA viruses, only DNA viruses. COVID shots do not prevent one from getting or transmitting the viruses. Whereas, if you get a measle, yellow fever, et al vaccines, you traditionally are vaccinated from getting and transmitting the aid disease.
16. Doctor assisted suicide should be legal in Montana: SO
17. Abortion should be banned in ALL stages of pregnancy: SS
18. Abortion should be banned during all stages of pregnancy, with the exceptions for rape and incest: S
19. Abortion should be banned only after a heartbeat is detected (around 6 weeks): S
20. Abortion should be banned only after the first trimester (12 weeks): SO
21. Abortion should be banned only when a fetus becomes viable outside the womb (20 weeks): SO
22. Abortion should be banned only after the 2nd trimester (28 weeks): SO
23. Abortion should never be banned, not at any stage of pregnancy: SO
24. The Montana Constitution should be amended to allow abortion: SO
25. Infanticide (the killing of infants born alive with physical abnormalities, including infants born as a result of a botched abortion) should be banned in Montana. SS
26. Companies and individuals should be allowed to opt-out of the abortion related mandates contained in Obamacare: SS* All human life is sacred. Life begins and conception and ends at natural death.
27. Transgender athletes should be allowed to compete against athletes of the opposite sex: SO
28. Doctors should be banned from performing sex-change procedures on minors: SS
29. Homosexuals and transgender people should be allowed to adopt children: O
30. Non-discrimination laws should be expanded to protect sexual orientation and gender identity in the same way that race, creed, nationality, and religion are protected: S
31. Montana’s marriage laws should be changed to reflect the legalization of same-sex marriage by the U.S. Supreme Court: O* I agree with Senator Glimm's bill defining only two sexes (male / female). I believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. I also believe in civil unions between those couples who are homosexual as a means of common dignity and in order to provide them basic rights for medical, retirements, et cetera. The strongly oppose any and all militant behavior by the LGBTQ-IA+ arena. However, what adults (not minors) do in their own bedrooms is up to them regardless how I personally view it through my religion and/or morality.